Ce este “gold-plating-ul” în dezvoltarea software?În cadrul unui proiect, unui Programator i se cere să pună patru imagini într-o pagină de site. Una lângă cealaltă.Jan 24, 2024Jan 24, 2024
What is “gold-plating” in software development?During work for a software project, a Developer is asked to place four images on a website page. One next to the other.Jan 24, 2024Jan 24, 2024
Oppenheimer — the first Scrum MasterAn analysis of why Project Manhattan was the world’s first Agile project and why Robert J. Oppenheimer was the first Scrum Master.Aug 13, 2023Aug 13, 2023
Hybrid meetings: taking the worst in both worldsAs some parts of the world start to see the light at the end of the tunnel regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, companies are trying to plan…Apr 19, 2021Apr 19, 2021
Why should you have a Team Lead in a Scrum team?What? A Team Leader in a Scrum team? But “Team Leader” it’s a title, and in Scrum there are no titles! It’s written even in the Scrum…Dec 15, 2019Dec 15, 2019
Rolul Team Leader-ului într-o echipă ScrumCum? Team Leader într-o echipă Scrum??? Păi “Team Leader” e un titlu, iar în Scrum nu există titluri! O spune chiar Biblia Scrum, “The…Dec 15, 2019Dec 15, 2019
What motivates a software developer?I’ve just finished reading ”Drive” by Daniel H. Pink. Focusing on the business world, this book talks about the types of motivation and…Nov 19, 2018Nov 19, 2018
Want to Build a Great Product? Hire a Startup Founder!When building a new product, most middle-to-large companies only reach internally. They see how much money they have to invest, put…Sep 3, 2018Sep 3, 2018
The Two Types of IT CompaniesThere are many ways in which someone can categorize IT companies. The most common one takes into consideration the internal organization…Jul 25, 2018Jul 25, 2018
The open-space office in IT is a bad ideaPart of my job as the founder of Echoz, a referral-based recruiting platform from Romania, is to keep an eye on as many job posts as…Jul 17, 2018Jul 17, 2018